Accelerated christian education gradekeeper download
Accelerated christian education gradekeeper download

program is given diagnostic tests to determine skill and concept mastery. Proper academic diagnosis and prescription is vital to a student’s achievement.Įach student entering the A.C.E. In much the same way, a student’s academic needs must be diagnosed before proper curriculum can be prescribed. Successful completion of this diagnostic testing indicates readiness for high school level curriculum.Ī doctor must diagnose a patient’s physical needs before prescribing proper treatment. diagnostic testing begins with simple concepts and continues through more advanced abstract thinking. Students must be controlled and motivated.Īre your students really mastering basic math, English, social studies, science, and spelling skills? Could there be some learning gaps that have not been identified? A.C.E.Students must be at subject levels where they can perform.was built on five basic laws of learning: Today, 200 staff members provide training services, curriculum, and materials for an international network of 6,000 schools and thousands of home educators in over 140 countries. Such mastery is the foundation upon which all future learning is built. This is individualization, making it possible for each student to master the subject matter before moving on.

accelerated christian education gradekeeper download

educational process begins at the exact level determined by the child’s ability.

accelerated christian education gradekeeper download

Whether the student is a high achiever, a moderately paced learner, or a slow learner, the A.C.E. This unique program consists of mastery-based curriculum and materials that are self-instructional, character building, and individually prescribed. addressed these concerns and designed a Biblically based educational program geared to meet the learning needs of individual children. This fact compelled many to question the very structure of the conventional educational system. In the 1960s, many students were not performing at their grade levels. With A.C.E.’s concept of individualized learning, students don’t just get by-they get ahead! To God be the glory! is your servant to meet the educational needs of today, with the traditional values of yesterday, and the technology of tomorrow. The curriculum conveys Biblical values and concepts considered foundational to meaningful interpersonal relationships and productive learning in such a way as to become life-shaping influences.Īccelerated Christian Education-a unique program for this time in history-is building Godly citizens and Christian leaders of tomorrow. program is an extraordinary educational approach, Biblical in its core, that prepares students for tomorrow’s world while giving them traditional moral values that will last a lifetime. Students can observe character development in the true-to-life character strips and then apply the Godly character lessons to their own lives.Ĭhallenging and highly effective, the A.C.E. Sixty character traits, such as kindness, loyalty, and honesty, are taught within the curriculum. learning experience, and it prepares students to welcome and accept challenges and future opportunities.

accelerated christian education gradekeeper download

Godly character training is part of the A.C.E. It is one thing to want children to be successful and quite another to provide the academic and character training to ensure this accomplishment. We desire to build in students a life-long burning passion to learn and grow spiritually. Accelerated Christian Education is not just a publisher but a comprehensive Bible-based program that serves both the campus-based school and the homeschool.īiblicially Based Program Infused with Godly CharacterĪt A.C.E., our purpose in providing educational materials goes beyond simply helping students learn the academics required to enter college or get a good job. Students are taught to see life from God’s point of view, to take responsibility for their own learning, and to walk in Godly wisdom and character. Its philosophy is built on basic principles of the Word of God.

accelerated christian education gradekeeper download

For over 40 years, it has been the trendsetter in Biblical educational reform. On the surface, most schools look alike-buildings, personnel, curriculum, and budgets.

Accelerated christian education gradekeeper download